Limbic Brand Evolution - Brand Strategy | Neuromarketing

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Prioritizing Brand Purpose and People’s Emotions with Dominik Prinz-Barley of Google

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Dominik Prinz-Barley is Head of Brand Strategy at Google.

In this episode of Let's Talk Limbic Sparks, Dominik reveals how the most desired brands evolve to play an increasingly valuable role in people's lives and society at large. He describes what it takes to become a beloved brand, and he delivers a virtual masterclass on strategic brand management.

We talk about the power of an incredibly clear brand purpose, and how that can become a guiding light for all brand activities. We also discuss why it's so important to deeply understand the people your brand serves, especially the emotions that move them into action.

Dominik shares an incredible encapsulation of 20 years of brand strategy experience that he's now bringing into his role at Google.

Key Takeaways and Soundbites:

"You need to get a really close understanding of what drives people - what it is they want and need. Then design your product and services or experiences with exactly that in mind. No compromise.”

“Every single brand on the planet, that's loved and desired, focuses on 3 P's - People, Purpose and Participation.”

“If you really want people to fall in love with your brand, you must first fall in love with the people who you serve.”

“The times we live in are trying. Life is complex, it's fast. We're dealing with a multitude of socioeconomic challenges, racial reckoning, environmental problems, a massive health crisis. In the midst of all of this, brands need to get real about the role they want to play in people's lives and in society at large. It's not even a choice, it's expected.”

“Humans are emotional beings. We're all being moved by our emotions on any given day, and for that reason, it's one thing that most brand marketer should spend most or at least more of their time understanding. Because, if it's emotions that move us into action, then that ties very closely into what brands and business are trying to do - trying to trigger a response, trying to trigger a reaction out of us, and emotions are the key to unlocking those.”

“Emotions are messy.  Measuring them are hard. Convincing meeting rooms filled with decision makers who very often still rely on data primarily, can be pretty intimidating. I think bringing in emotion and emotional insights requires some courage. It's time for marketers to stop thinking about empathy and emotion as a marshmallow, soft and fluffy, and nice to have, while in reality, it has become a required ingredient  for businesses.”

“Look for the moments in people's lives where they struggle, or where they have a problem that's worth solving. Or are simply frustrated with how certain products or services work, and then find a way to make that experience fundamentally better. Any brand that does that well, will capture the hearts and minds of people.”

“Always focus on people, people and people and the emotions that move them, because it all starts and it all ends there. Also, be hyper clear on your brand's purpose and make it the guiding light for every single decision your brand makes.”

Here are some fun facts about Dominik…

Dominik has been described as an impatient optimist – and is a firm believer that the integration of business and purpose is a way for brands to create meaningful, positive change. He has become a widely recognized and published thought leader on the topic.

During his almost 20 year-long career, Dominik had the opportunity to be a strategic advisor to some of the world’s most admired brands.

He speaks extensively on brand strategy at conferences, universities and media outlets around the world. Over the course of his career, Dominik has also worked with countless NGOs, Foundations and Social Enterprises to contribute to a world that is more just and inclusive.

After holding leadership positions in global brand consultancies like BBDO, Interbrand and cg42, he is now Google's Head of Brand Strategy and on a mission to build (even more) brand love.

Dominik is Sparking Brand Desire with Emotional Insight.

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