Breaking Through in a Competitive Category with Joe McCambley of Saatva
Joe McCambley is Chief Marketing Officer at Saatva, the internet’s premier luxury mattress and bedding brand.
In this episode of Let's Talk Limbic Sparks, Joe reveals his approach to strategic brand management and how to break through in a competitive category. He shares the perils of primarily focusing on rational benefits and relying on traditional ways of marketing, and why it’s imperative to differentiate through emotional benefits. Joe discusses how a deep understanding of consumer insights can support the building of an emotional connection with consumers that meaningfully earns trust to grow business.
Key Takeaway and Soundbites:
"Your brand strategy is not just words on a page, it's how you live your lives, as human beings dealing with other human beings."
"When you build an emotional connection with consumers, and spend money helping them help them know you, trust you and believe in you, you'll get more immediate results from performance marketing."
“Long-term emotional appeals deliver short-term results better than short-term tactics.”
“You're going to see more and more brands working to strike a balance between the rational and the emotional, with an understanding that the emotional is a lot more powerful than we ever gave it credit for."
Here are some fun facts about Joe…
Joe started out in the mid-1980s as an agency copywriter working on brands nobody else really wanted to work on - often those were tech forward brands with small ad budgets that invented UNIX, digital video editing, spreadsheets, and mainframe computing. He learned early that speaking to the right audience in language they understood and that connected with them at a visceral level them, was the way to create the kind of excitement that allow innovative technology to grow virally.
Since then, he has led creative teams in direct response advertising, digital advertising, website development, platform development, applications development and content marketing.
He’s always been a pioneer with many firsts under his belt. Joe worked at Modem Media - the first digital ad agency, AOL - America's first and at the time largest onramp to the internet, Digitas - the agency that practically invented performance marketing, and The Wonderfactory - his innovative startup that created the first mobile apps for The Weather Channel, Time, Sports Illustrated, People, AARP, The NBA, DC Comics, Barnes & Noble, New York Magazine, LIFE, and Zagat.
Today Joe focuses his 40 years of experience on overseeing the marketing efforts at Saatva, the first luxury mattress company to sell direct to consumers online and at scale.
“The primary job of a brand leader is to understand and serve customer needs.”
“Brands that help, sell. Brands that sell, don’t.”
Joe is Sparking Brand Desire with Emotional Insight.
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