Explore How to Bring Emotional Intelligence into Brand Strategy
Emotionally Intelligent Brands are…
✓ More aware of how they make people’s lives better
✓ More in-tune with the needs & desires of others
✓ More purposeful, helpful, compelling & desirable
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Branding with Emotion: Scaling Up Services - Podcast with Kevin Perlmutter
In this podcast, Kevin talks with host Bruce Eckfeldt about the role that emotion plays in branding for businesses that want to scale and grow…
Turning a Business Into a Desirable Brand
Great brands make people feel something. They're created from the heart. They draw people in and make lives better. They are not just businesses. Well-designed brands become beacons of attraction…
Sparking Brand Desire - Podcast with guest Kevin Perlmutter
In this podcast, Kevin talks talks about how Limbic helps brands create stronger connections with the people they want to reach. He surprises the hosts by saying that most brand content is bad, and not fit for purpose, then explains how content can be more relevant and engaging…
Embracing the Power of Emotion in Experience Design
Emotions are one of the most powerful forces in our psyche. Despite a wealth of evidence around how much emotion affects peoples' experiences and impacts business performance, most brand strategies and experiences are not designed with emotional intelligence…
How to Design Your Dream Job
What if every day you felt like you have the best job ever? You, thriving in the perfect environment for you. This can happen when your job evolves based on your own strategic design…
Beep! Beep! Boop! Boop! Why do UX Designers often Neglect Sound?
This Wired article by Kevin shares new behavioral science data on the impact of sound on emotion, and proves the high correlation between subconscious emotion and conscious desire…
The Importance of Leadership, Transformation & Lifelong Learning
This article followed Kevin’s attendance of the inaugural AT&T Business Summit featuring a string of A-list keynote speakers who shared inspiring thoughts on leadership, transformation and lifelong learning…
Corporate Research Conference - EXPLOR Award for Innovation
This summary video is of Kevin and Joe Sauer, from Sentient Decision Science, presenting our EXPLOR Award-winning approach to neuroscience-based research for Nissan Electric Vehicles…
Disrupting Competitive Threats to the Business
This interview on innovation to stay ahead of the competition was originally published by Innovation Enterprise prior to Kevin’s presentation at the Chief Innovation Officer Summit…
How Nissan Electric Vehicles Get Their Sound
This Fast Company video is on the creation the sound of Nissan’s Electric Vehicles. Kevin discusses how his team created a sound that has high emotional appeal, represents the brand personality and instinctively communicates presence for pedestrian safety…
Interview/Article - Sonic Innovation: The Next Frontier
This interview article was written about Kevin after his Chief Innovation Officer Summit presentation. From the author: “The usual suspects rendered the expected corporate keynotes at a New York Innovation conference, and then came Kevin Perlmutter, a man without a suit who punched up something different…”
No Brand is Safe in the Age of Disruption
This BrandingMag article covered the AMA “Age of Disruption” panel, where Kevin’s quoted saying: “Disruption is not about noise, it’s actually about connecting in an emotional way with people, which is very hard to do as you have to think about how people make decisions when intercepting your communications.”…